9 Things I Loved About Zurich, Switzerland

Finding time to appreciate the little things in a city known for financial excess.

I recently had the chance to cross Zurich off my travel bucket list, and I wanted to share some of my favourite things about a city usually known for a few things: banking, designer watches, and astronomical prices. While I visited some of the classic tourist sites, such as the Zurich National Museum, the Opera House, and Uetliberg trail, and caught myself window-shopping for watches more than a few times, I wanted to share some of the smaller moments that felt just as memorable. Too often, people jam-pack their travel schedules with ‘the sights’, and don’t take time to just be present and absorb. Use this travel-inspo as a diving board for your own personal happiness list, and seek what makes you smile, even in strange places!

The Limmat river flowing into Lake Zurich with Grossmunster (big church) in the background.

The Old Town – I imagine that every must-see list starts here, and with good reason! Narrow, winding cobblestone streets, secret alleys, numerous squares with cute fountains, sneaky cats, adorable shops, nonchalantly cool European cafes, and all kinds of shopping (from museli to designer watches). Something about the unpredictability of these streets got me excited for adventure.

A unique fountain tucked away in the colourful Old Town.
Despite being a ginger, this ally cat became my friend. I actually don’t think I’ve ever encountered a literal ally cat before.

Lake Zurich – This massive lake in the city centre is wonderfully clear, blue, and filled with swans! They floated gracefully around me on my morning run, and I felt like a queen… until I realized they just wanted food. In addition to the wide bike and pedestrian trails, there are some beautiful lakeside parks, uniquely crafted houses and museums, and public art along the trail.

Free-loading swans on Lake Zurich.
The lakeside trail. The uneven pavement made for an intense morning jog.
A park and lovely view in the morning light. How much do you think a sailboat and moorage costs in Zurich?

The majestic Alps – Visible at the edge of Lake Zurich, and only about an hour away, these sharp and mysterious peaks lend a wildness to the city that my Vancouver-heart really appreciates. While I was told that they’re not quite as remote as they seem (hiking in Switzerland means you’re only about an hour away from some green, rolling farm village at any given point), they were enough to inspire my mountaineering dreams.

Owning the Swiss diet with no guilt – As far as I can tell, traditional Swiss food seems to be based primarily on melted cheese and chocolate. Fondue, raclette… And while I was continually shocked at the price of Swiss chocolate in other parts of Europe, chocolate in Switzerland itself was the one thing that was cheap! Priorities.

Lindenhof town centre – Raised up above the town, offering great views of Grossmunster (the ‘big church’), as well as the river flowing into the lake, this cute square was the historical centre of town. I timed my visit just right; as people gathered to enjoy the view, the bells from Grossmunster and Fraumunster started ringing, and it felt like stepping back in time for a brief moment.

The view from Lindenhof, including Grossmunster on the right.

Carneval – The streets packed with people, bands in colourful costumes competing for attention in every square, kids gleefully throwing fistfuls of sparkles at each other, food trucks selling every kind of greasy and sweet treat imaginable, the streets shimmering pink and silver from confetti… It was easy to spend hours wandering the city and soaking it all up. Music continued well into the night, despite the evening spring rain.

Bar Am Wasser’s ‘Smoke on the Water’ Cocktail – My biggest trip regret is not getting a video of this one. At this sleek hipster bar near the waterfront, this unique cocktail arrives at your table topped with a glassy silver bubble. After debating whether to pop it, you do, releasing a cloud of smoke over your drink. Very cool.

Historic cafes with amazing coffee – I am not normally not a coffee drinker, but I couldn’t resist these quaint, cool cafes, some dating back to the 1800’s. They serve a mean cup of java. I passed many hours with a sunny table, a book, and a creamy latte.

The buildings and public art – I live in a young city. Everything is glass and modern. It’s a refreshing change of pace to visit places with history and stories, where they display their years with pride. Even walking around the neighbourhoods feels like visiting a museum.

A mythological wall I found in a park.
A stunning house. Dare I ask how many Swiss Francs…?
The Swiss National Museum. The building itself is as interesting as the exhibits!
The Zurich Opera House, with busts of famous composers adorning the outside. For the music-geek in me, seeing an opera here was one of the trip highlights!

What’s on your happiness list? What are your favourite simple things to do, when exploring a new place or even at home? Give me some ideas in the comments below!

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