Adventure Travel Phase 1: the Americas

Recapping half a year of funemployment

Our final climbing trip of Phase One of the Year of Adventure ended much as we had begun our unemployment last spring: in snow. We rung in the first few days of April – our first days of freedom – with a ski trip to Kees and Claire Hut in Whistler, and now we were ending it snowed-in and cold in the Enchantments, Washington. We had come to the park, winning the coveted Core permit in the walk-up lottery, in order to climb Prussik Peak, a beautiful caricature of a mountain surrounded by golden larch trees and alpine lakes. A chilly hike in gave way to a snowy morning, and we spent much of our day huddled in the tent, staying cozy in our sleeping bags. It was time to end the American leg of our trip, we laughed as we hiked out a day early, and go somewhere warm. We watched spring give way to summer, and now, with the fall colours exploding all around us in the beautiful Cascade wilderness, the changing of the seasons seemed a fitting time to call a quits to the camping-climbing lifestyle.

Hiking in the Enchantments, WA. Prussik Peak is behind me. The photo makes it look so warm, but trust me, it’s absolutely freezing!

With the first half of our Year of Adventure behind us, it’s time to reflect on what we’ve seen and done since we began. So far, we’ve cruised through the western States, got better acquainted with the Canadian Rockies and our home in British Columbia, and stumbled through some Spanish adventures in Ecuador.

Phase two of our adventure begins in October with a one-way flight to Vietnam, where we hope to tour through Southeast Asia. Goodbye autumn, hello non-stop summer!

The larch trees of the Enchantments beginning to turn yellow, heralding the start of fall.

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