Comments on: Round Two in the Coliseum/2019/06/10/round-two-in-the-coliseum/Climb - Adventure - TravelSat, 30 Sep 2023 15:38:35 +0000hourly1 Flint and Feather Flock Together – Ridge and River/2019/06/10/round-two-in-the-coliseum/comment-page-1/#comment-69Sat, 22 Jun 2019 23:23:25 +0000/?p=518#comment-69[…] and offering a 360 degree view of the surrounding mountains, notably Crown, Garibaldi, Cathedral, Coliseum, and Seymour. After some lunch, photos, and high-minded talk about a ridiculous and likely […]


By: Emily/2019/06/10/round-two-in-the-coliseum/comment-page-1/#comment-63Tue, 11 Jun 2019 04:49:07 +0000/?p=518#comment-63In reply to PhilUpOnLife.

Every mountain is a ‘must do this summer’ unfortunately… 😛 Thanks so much for reading Phil!

Liked by 1 person

By: PhilUpOnLife/2019/06/10/round-two-in-the-coliseum/comment-page-1/#comment-62Tue, 11 Jun 2019 04:44:53 +0000/?p=518#comment-62Looks like a must do this summer! Great post!


By: Emily/2019/06/10/round-two-in-the-coliseum/comment-page-1/#comment-61Mon, 10 Jun 2019 15:22:15 +0000/?p=518#comment-61In reply to Barbara Von Grohs.

Thank you! Yes, those trail runners just pop out of nowhere. I simultaneously shake my head and admire them. Thanks so much for reading! 🙂


By: Barbara Von Grohs/2019/06/10/round-two-in-the-coliseum/comment-page-1/#comment-60Mon, 10 Jun 2019 14:37:28 +0000/?p=518#comment-60I enjoyed your journey. Loved the photos and had a chuckle from your description of the trail runner. Those flat rock surfaces worn over time look slippery. Well done Emily!!

Aunt Barb

